Admission Requirements

All students must be 16 years of age or older.

Must be able to understand, read and write in English.

A valid Class 5 drivers license is NOT REQUIRED for training but will most likely be required for employment purposes after.

Good hand/eye and foot coordination.

Physically able to enter and exit the equipment safely maintaining 3 point contact.

Positive attitude with willingness to listen and follow instruction.

Travel, meals, and accommodations while in the program, is the responsibility of the student and/or sponsor. Contact us for nearby affordable accommodation options.

It is the responsibility of the student to supply themselves with all the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which includes:

• CSA Approved steel toed footwear
• CSA Approved hard hat
• Work Gloves
• Overalls, coveralls or suitable old clothing to get dirty (student preference)
• Reflective Safety Vest or high visability coat or t-shirt


  • The operation of equipment is not permitted at any time unless under the supervision of the instructor.
  • Students must wear PPE at ALL times when on the training site (unless in classroom).
  • Must maintain a certain attendance and grade percentage in order to receive certificate.
  • Arrive prepared and on time each day.
  • Zero tolerance for:
    • harassment and discrimination of any kind
    • alcohol and drugs, including hangovers
    • violent, disruptive or horseplay behavior


Safety tickets are NOT REQUIRED for the training, nor are they included in PTI programs, but it is recommended that operators have or obtain the following safety tickets to compliment their HEO certificate, and as is required for most employment in the industry. 

1. WHIMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System)

***other more site specific safety tickets may include H2S Alive, Confined Space, Pipeline Safety Ticket, etc.