Contact your local band or Tribal Counsel’s training & employment department to start a funding application!
Saskatchewan Aboriginal Women’s Circle Corporation (SAWCC) assists Aboriginal women in many areas including assistance with cost of education.
The ISET (Indigenous Skills and Employment Training) program is a federal funding program that supports First Nations, Inuit, Metis, and urban/non affiliated Indigenous people in Canada, by enhancing their employability through training or education.
Contact your local GDI/DTI training & employment department to start a funding application! There may be limits on funding amounts.
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) and Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) fund Indigenous people across Canada including Status, Non-Status, Metis and Inuit. CAP focuses on people living OFF reserve. NWAC doesn’t have any residency requirements.
If you have an active claim with WCB (Workers Compensation Board) and are looking at being trained for a career in this industry, contact your local WCB office to inquire about funding.
If you are seeking funding to cover your program costs and are approved, the School requires a funding approval letter from your sponsor, in order to officially enroll you in the program.
This confirmation will be due 1 week prior to the program start date, to allow enough notice to any enrolled students, in the event that the program should be cancelled due to a low enrolment rate.
If you do not qualify for any funding, you may consider a loan or line of credit. Contact your financial institution for more information or to apply. PTI can provide you/your financial institution with our Certificate of Registration and link to the gov of SK website, confirming that PTI is on the list of registered Private Vocational Schools in SK.
Please Note: the HEO training programs we offer are under the required minimum program length of 12 weeks in order to qualify for a student loan through the government.
Registered Education Fund
REF’s and RESP’s can be applied to your program costs. Contact your financial institution for more information or to apply. PTI can provide you/your financial institution with our Certificate of Registration and link to the gov of SK website, confirming that PTI is on the list of registered Private Vocational Schools in SK.
PTI accepts cash, cheque or e-transfer(s) to We do not accept debit/credit transactions.